Grenada Explorer Travel Guide

Grenada Hash House Harriers

Hash House Harriers in Grenada

If you look up 'hashing' on the Internet, you'll find some participants defined as 'drinkers with a running problem'. This is only partly true... Hashing is alive and well in Grenada, and can become as addictive as the other kind of 'hash'.

Hash House Harriers in Grenada Hash House Harriers in Grenada

Members and hangers-on of the Grenadian Hash House Harriers meet every Saturday at 4.00 p.m. for a kind of paper chase for adults. Well, not just for adults!

It is quite simply the best way to get stuck in to Grenada on foot, to get to grips with the terrain, the vegetation, the scenery, and some of the people. You walk and / or run for 60 - 90 minutes, going wherever a trail of shredded paper laid by 'hares' leads you.

After an aerobic challenge, or an invigorating stroll (hashing is NOT competitive), participants return to the starting point, usually a 'rum shop'; occasionally a restaurant, a private house, or simply a tree in the middle of nowhere.

There is always refreshment available: local beers, soft drinks, and a meal that can vary from a substantial buffet to a simple 'cook up' , and priced accordingly. And so you meet locals and visitors, in an atmosphere of achievement, sweat and camaraderie.

If you would like to 'hash' during your time in Grenada, contact the hashmaster Ken Sylvester, on +1 473 440 2615, or Rahel or Ian at Sunsation Tours ( There is an active HHH Facebook Group with the latest information and meeting times. Don't forget to visit the Grenada Hash House Harriers website too. Venues / starting points are only made known a day or two in advance of each hash.

Bear in mind that the terrain is likely to be muddy and slippery in part, (certainly in the rainy season, June - December), and there are always steep bits, so you will need appropriate footwear (substantial trainers are OK). Your clothes will stain and may get torn: bring an extra T shirt. A little rucksack for a drink en route is sensible.

Do not come unless you are reasonably fit: a walk in heat and humidity is considerably more taxing than it is in a cooler climate. But that's as far as the 'health warnings' go - for me, a lifelong avoider of sport, hashing is the best afternoon of the week.

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